Contested Probate Litigation

Contested Probate Litigation

When a loved one dies, their assets and other belongings enter a process known as probate. This is where their estate is divided among their chosen beneficiaries according to the instructions left in their Will. If no Will exists, the Courts will decide who should be...
The Benefits of Using a Probate Specialist

The Benefits of Using a Probate Specialist

Losing a loved one can be a very challenging time with many personal and financial affairs that need to be resolved. One of the most important is handling the estate, especially if all or part of the money will be used to pay for funeral expenses. Applying for probate...
Do Married Couples Need Separate Wills?

Do Married Couples Need Separate Wills?

Most couples like to combine their finances and legal documents since it’s a convenient way to manage things and stay informed of any changes. If you’re considering making a Will, writing a joint Will may also seem like a good idea but is it the best...
Do you need a solicitor to write a Will?

Do you need a solicitor to write a Will?

It is a common misconception that a person’s Last Will and Testament needs to be drawn up (or, at the very least, witnessed) by a solicitor in order to be legally binding. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Anybody can write their own Will and it will...
Why Unmarried Couples Need a Will

Why Unmarried Couples Need a Will

If you and your partner are living together and not married, you are part of a growing demographic in the UK. Latest reports from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reports that some 3.4 million households across the country (or around 18% of all households)...